Pictured: (Left to right): Co-Directors of Berne Community Vacation Bible School: Chris Hyman, grant writer, and Kate Uebersax.
The Adams County Community Foundation (ACCF) is pleased to announce that several churches from Adams County were awarded an ACCF grant for community vacation bible schools in Berne, coming from ten churches working together to support this recent event. With many participating: 339 children, 140+ volunteers, and 900+ people at the concluding program, it is clear to say, this event was a success.
Christina Hyman, co-director of the 2023 Berne Community VBS and grant writer, expressed her appreciation for this grant, which provided necessary funds to help keep the Berne Community Vacation Bible School a free event.
Tony Currie, ACCF grants committee member, added that the ACCF is proud to be sponsors of the community summer program for the partnering churches serving the youth in our area.
This ACCF grant was made possible through the Susan and Larry Zurcher Community Enrichment Fund, whic was established in 2015. The fund shows Larry and Susan Zurcher’s desire to build strong families in Adams County through grants which support scouting, family life, and youth education programs.