In the midst of an Indiana winter, officials of the Adams County Historical Society have discovered a major problem at its Dugan Mansion Museum and are seeking assistance from the public.
“We have recently discovered that we have roofing problems that need to be addressed; Band-Aid solutions will not work,” historical society officials announced.

“The flashings and valleys (on the roof) need to be replaced. Given time, we can hold fundraisers and seek grants and donations to cover the cost. However, this is work that needs to be completed sooner rather than later.

“We work hard to be good stewards of our county’s history, and the Dugan Mansion is perhaps our greatest responsibility. If the leaks are not repaired, the entire structure, along with the collections held within, will be jeopardized.”
A total of $23,645 is being sought to fund a portion of the repair effort.

When it occurred is unknown, but metal strips were nailed to sections of the roof and the nails holding the metal in place were sealed with pitch, officials said in the announcement.

Over time, the pitch failed and the nails and metal have rusted away, leaving exposed holes.
A proposal for necessary repairs were given in three phases.
“We are currently funding the first phase, but will not be able to address the remaining work without your help,” the announcement said. The cost for the second phase is $23,645.00.
Donations from the public are being sought and may be made online at:
Checks may be mailed to: Adams County Historical Society, 420 W. Monroe St., Decatur, IN 46733.