Pickleball is being played under the lights on the redone courts behind Riverside Center in Decatur as work there is nearing completion.
Lights have been installed (see photo), nets are up and a pavilion (photo) has been constructed.

Work is continuing on a new sand volleyball court on the west side of the pickleball courts. Those courts are where the sand volleyball court was previously situated.
Some benches have yet to be installed.

Mayor Dan Rickord said the revamped pickleball courts at Riverside have been a collaboration of many groups. Pickleball players handled the painting, Adams County chipped in funds since players from throughout the county use the courts, and Chris Krull, director of leisure services for the parks department, and his staff put in time to get the area ready.
“A lot of groups came together to make this happen,” Rickord said.
At its meeting Tuesday night, city council briefly discussed what hours the pickleball courts would be available. The current city ordinance says all parks are to be closed by 10 p.m.
The matter of hours will return for discussion at a future council meeting.