Adams Memorial Hospital is bringing the Fort Wayne Philharmonic back to Adams County, this time to Berne.
Hospital officials have announced that the Philharmonic will present its Patriotic Pops at the Muensterberg Plaza and Clock Tower on Saturday, June 29, starting at 7 p.m.
No admission will be charged.
Food trucks will be on hand, according to the announcement.
“Bring your own lawn chairs and blankets to the Muensterberg Plaza and Clock Tower and enjoy an evening of festivities with friends and family,” the announcement said.
Some 55-65 musicians will provide all manner of patriotic music.
The Berne appearance will be part of a busy schedule for the Phil, leading up to and including the Fourth of July.
The Patriotic Pops performances begin Wednesday, June 26, at Pokagon State Park, Angola, then shift to the DeKalb outdoor theater in Auburn on Friday, June 28,
After the Berne performance, the scene will move the next day, Sunday, to Oakwood Resort, Syracuse. The Patriotic Pops will be performed at Parkview Field in Fort Wayne on July 2, then wind up at Bixler Lake Park, Kendallville, on the Fourth.
On July 3 last year, the hospital, as part of its 100th anniversary celebration, brought the Philharmonic to Decatur for a free concert in the Erekson Theatre in Bellmont High School.
The event sparked a standing-room-only turnout.