The Adams County Community Foundation recently awarded a grant to Unfailing Love Clinic for Radiology and Office supplies. The clinic serves uninsured and under-insured individuals and families, providing wellness visits, physicals and health screenings, client education and dentistry. As client numbers and needs have been growing, Unfailing Love has identified the need for additional medical equipment for expanded services.
Kara Mankey, grant writer and medical provider of the Unfailing Love Clinic, expressed appreciation to the ACCF for this support, which has helped provide the funds to purchase much needed radiology and office supplies.
Louise Ray, ACCF BoD and grants committee member, noted that the ACCF is pleased to be able to support Unfailing Love Clinic and their efforts to provide reliable and quality healthcare services to local residents.
This ACCF grant was made possible through unrestricted funds sponsored by the Greg Fleming Family, Jordan Fuelling, and Cletus & Bette Miller Community Enrichment funds.
The Greg Fleming Family Community Enrichment Fund provides support for many nonprofits in Adams County. In addition to keeping his excavating business successful, Greg also serves as a volunteer and as a Board Director with ACCF, Zion Lutheran Church of Decatur, the First Merchant’s Bank, and the Boys and Girls Club. In 2009, Greg was presented the notable Decatur Chamber of Commerce’s Stephen Decatur Award.
Jordan Fuelling, along with friends Connor Brite and Trevor Ortiz, were on their way home when tragedy struck and changed the lives of countless friends and family. This fund was established as a memorial and in response to the outpouring of support from family and friends. This fund is to provide support to Decatur area programs and projects that support youth and athletics.
Clete and Bette Miller are likely best known for their entrepreneurial work with the establishment of the popular Back 40 Junction restaurant. For those that worked with the Adams Memorial Hospital EMS, they would remember that Bette was best known for her involvement with the EMS. Both Clete and Bette significantly influenced Adams County with their ingenuity, work ethic, professionalism, and notable additions to our community.